Regular apartment building maintenance checks prevent unsolicited expenses for both leasing companies and tenants. Besides, it ensures optimal living conditions as well as reduces the occurrence of accidents and tenant complaints. This brief checklist provides you with a plan of what must be done regarding building maintenance depending on your specific situation. The maintenance activities described here should be completed twice a year, even if we are talking about new … [Read more...]
How to Think Like an Interior Designer when Arranging Furniture
Even in the most meticulously planned homes, some rooms just function better than others with their ideal orientation, flow and floor plan, while in others, you have to put some interior design magic into action to make it just right. Whatever the situation may be, even the best of rooms can benefit from the clever layout and subtle furniture placement. With the desire to sharpen your eye for spatial awareness, here are four professional layout tips to consider when furnishing your San Diego … [Read more...]