If you have a reliable vehicle and are willing to spend some extra time behind the wheel, there are many opportunities available for you to turn your car into an extra income. Part-time driving as a supplemental profession is becoming more prevalent and appealing for the masses. That being said, if you are going to take to the roads for extra income, safety on the road should be your priority. Safety First The first step in ensuring your safety on the road is to make sure you are and stay … [Read more...]
Lower Your Healthcare Costs
The rising cost of healthcare is no laughing matter. In San Diego alone, 464,000 people are carrying healthcare debt, and have approximately $670 million of healthcare debt. Here are some tips you can utilize to help reduce your overall medical costs. Staying Well One of the best tips for reducing your healthcare costs is to take advantage of your preventative checkups and maintain a healthy lifestyle. If, for example, you are living in Los Angeles, and find that you are struggling with … [Read more...]