For San Diego residents, the garage isn’t just a place to store your car, it’s where you store your stuff. It’s where you keep your tools or maybe even where you work. So a problem with an overhead garage door can be a major headache. Below are some of the most common issues with overhead garage doors that many San Diego residents have.
The Door Opener
If the door won’t open or close, the problem is most likely the opener. First check to see whether the opener motor is properly plugged in, as the rattling of the motor can occasionally jar the plug from the socket. If the opener is plugged in properly, next check the circuit breaker or fuse box. If those items check out, the issue could be the sensors or the cutoff switch. Check to see if there is any blockage between the safety sensors and that they are lined up accurately and whether the cutoff switch is actually switching on and off, as it could become stuck in the cutoff position.
The Chain Drive and Rails
Loud noises like screeching, squealing or grinding are sometimes an indicator of an issue with the rails or chain drive. Be sure to keep the rails clean of debris and well lubricated. Check to see of any nuts or bolts have become loosened due to the jarring vibrations of normal operation. Chain drive issues are a serious safety concern, so if you suspect a chain drive problem be sure to contact a San Diego garage door repair service.
The Remote
The overhead garage door opener remote is a convenience most take for granted every single day, that is until it stops working. Usually a remote stops working due to a dead battery but occasionally the wireless connection to the opener motor may need to be reset or a weak signal might be the issue. Check the antenna on the opener motor or consult your opener owner’s manual on how to replace the battery and how to refresh the wireless connection between the remote and the opener.
The Springs
If your garage door is opening or closing very slowly, or even more worrisome—closing too quickly, the issue could be a busted spring. Garage door springs are an extremely dangerous component to attempt to repair or replace and should only be handled by an expert San Diego garage door service repair technician. Do not attempt to repair a broken garage door spring if you aren’t a trained professional. These steel coils are tightly wound and under extreme tension.
While these are some common issues with overhead garage door openers, there could be others causing your garage door to operate poorly. If you aren’t sure of the issue or have additional questions about your garage door opener, consult your owner’s manual or contact a local San Diego garage door service professional.