First of all, let me applaud your desire to be an environmentally conscious person—the world needs more people like you! You’re asking a great question, and one that has a multi-pronged answer.
When most people think of house painting that’s environmentally friendly, they only think about the paint that is being used. And while using Low or No VOC paint is definitely a great way to go, there are several other things to consider when you are looking at San Diego house painting companies that claim to be “green” or “environmentally friendly.”
As someone who is environmentally conscious, you probably already know that it is best to invest in things that are longer lasting—whether it’s clothing, furniture, or tools. Buying products that are durable keeps more waste out of our landfills and also helps us save our natural resources by limiting the amount of things that are commercially produced.
When it comes to having your house painted, you also want to make sure you are getting quality and durability. This comes not only from using high-quality paint, but also from the methods used in painting. For example, a home that is properly prepped for paint will end up looking better for longer, which means you won’t have your house painted again for a long time. Another method we use at PaintGreen is called “backrolling,” which basically means that we go over the paint that we spray on with a roller, so it adheres better to the wall.
Another thing to ask about when you’re considering house painting companies in San Diego is their office practices. Do they recycle? Do they use energy-saving office equipment? What are they doing to reduce the amount of paper they use?
Finally, look at the types of vehicles they drive. Are the company’s employees driving huge gas-guzzling trucks, or do they have vehicles that are more environmentally friendly like electric vehicles or hybrids?
So to answer your question: you should definitely ask about the type of paint that will be used in your home, but also ask other questions of the San Diego painting company to make sure they are actually committed to environmentally friendly practices and not just claiming to be a green company because they want to increase their business with people that care about the earth.
A final word on eco-friendly paint: Low and No VOC paint has gotten a bad rap in the past for not being as good. However, many reputable companies have done considerable research and development and are producing paint that will give you great results.
Do you have a question for the Paint Pro that you’d like to see answered in this column? Send it here and you may see the answer in a future column.