This article is the seventh in a series of 15 articles where we “decode” some of the industry terms surrounding replacement windows. Stay tuned for upcoming posts that we hope will help educate San Diego homeowners and allow them to make more informed decisions.
An egress window is one of those things that most San Diego homeowners have probably heard of, but maybe aren’t quite sure what exactly they are. Unless you’re in the construction industry, there’s no need to understand the technicalities of an egress window, but it is helpful to know, in general, what the term means, especially if you’re a homeowner who’s interested in making upgrades to your home’s windows.
Egress windows are not a specific type of window like a sliding window or a single hung window, rather they are any windows that meet the very specific regulations found in the California Building Code that pertain to fire safety. Basically, an egress window is any window that is large enough to be used as an emergency exit. It must be able to be easily opened from the inside without anything blocking the opening, such as bars or grates, and must not necessitate any special tools or keys, or a substantial amount of force to open.
Where are Egress Windows Required in a Home?
San Diego homes are required to have egress windows in all bedrooms. However, homeowners may be able to get around this requirement if their home was built before the regulations were put in place. If you live in one of those San Diego homes that is not under current regulations, you can typically replace your current window with a new one of the same size. But if you are replacing your windows anyway, you might want to consider bringing your home up to code for safety purposes, even if you aren’t legally required to do so. If you are ever in the unfortunate situation where you are sleeping and your house catches on fire, you want to be able to still get out easily if the door is blocked.
If you are working with a reputable San Diego replacement window company, the company should be very familiar with the local building codes that pertain to replacement windows. For the areas in your home that need egress windows, they will help you choose ones that are in compliance with the California Building Code and that will help keep your family safe.
If you have any questions about egress windows or about replacement windows in general, you can always contact our San Diego replacement window company. We are happy to help and love any opportunity we get to help educate San Diego homeowners about replacement windows and doors.