There’s nothing like biting into a fresh piece of fruit. And the freshest fruit available is grown on your own trees. While there are some fruit trees that require a good bit of attention, there are several that are low-maintenance and that will provide the tasty treats that you enjoy in a short amount of time.
From a few small seeds that are taken from the pits of cherries, you can have your very own cherry orchard. Keep in mind that a cherry tree produces numerous small pieces of fruit, so you need to consider how many trees you want to plant. Aside from watering the tree and keeping the branches pruned, there’s really not a lot that you have to do to maintain the tree. The only things you may need to keep your eye out for are bugs and birds eating the cherries. You will want to avoid those cherries when it’s time to pick them.
Enjoy the aroma that comes from apple blossoms and apples on this low-maintenance tree. After planting apple trees in your yard during the summer, you need to water them and make sure the branches are clipped throughout the year. You also need to install a fence or a protective barrier around the tree to keep animals from getting your apples from the branches. A benefit of this kind of tree is that the fruit will usually fall to the ground once it’s ripe so that you don’t have to pick it off the tree.
Recommended: Are Citrus Trees the Best Fruit Trees to Grow in San Diego?
Although not a tree that you might consider planting, plum trees are easy to maintain. An arborist can help with the planting process and give you tips about what to look for when the fruit is ripe. These trees are great at withstanding changing weather conditions and are a bit heartier than other fruit trees. You’ll want to plant at least two trees if you want to have plums as they don’t self-pollinate like other trees.
A pear tree usually doesn’t have issues with insects or diseases like other trees, making it easy to maintain in almost any yard. Make sure you have a rich soil supply, as the tree does require a lot of nutrients. You will have to wait a few years to get fruit from the tree, but if you have patience, then you’ll usually have an abundance once it starts bearing.
Peach trees are another option for your San Diego yard. There’s nothing like peaches that are tree-ripened! These trees are relatively low-maintenance and only require some pruning each year in order to encourage further growth and keep their lifespans longer.
While there are quite a few fruit trees that require a lot of attention and that also require a good bit of space to grow, there are also those that take up a small space in your yard, such as dwarf or semi-dwarf varieties. Before planting the trees that you want, consider talking to a professional in San Diego who can give you details about how to protect the tree and the best ones to plant for your climate.